Arriving as a duo set, Eve Lom’s Rescue Mask offers the perfect weekly deep clean for all skin types, especially oily or combination. The face mask cleanses and exfoliates in synergy to help draw out impurities for a visibly smooth, clarified and radiant complexion.
Honey-infused kaolin clay and camphor help to clear blocked pores and absorb excess oil, while ground almonds deliver gentle physical exfoliation. The mask delivers a cooling and conditioning effect, leaving skin feeling smooth and supple with renewed radiance.
Arriving as a duo set, Eve Lom’s Rescue Mask offers the perfect weekly deep clean for all skin types, especially oily or combination. The face mask cleanses and exfoliates in synergy to help draw out impurities for a visibly smooth, clarified and radiant complexion.
Honey-infused kaolin clay and camphor help to clear blocked pores and absorb excess oil, while ground almonds deliver gentle physical exfoliation. The mask delivers a cooling and conditioning effect, leaving skin feeling smooth and supple with renewed radiance.