Years ago while Josh was working with the Team CSC at the Dauphine Libere, he noticed one of their mechanics using the most amazing little chuck to manage the disc wheel inflation. Unlike anything he had seen before, it was all metal and used a 'lollipop' lever on the side to lock onto the valve stems in disc wheels. The mechanic explained that these were made in Japan and were coveted by all the Euro-Pro mechanics due to their scarcity. So Josh set out to improve the design and make it available to cyclists everywhere. Silca is committed to building excellent products for elite bikers and serious cyclists who will only accept the pinnacle of quality in their bike parts. We take premium quality bike parts seriously and will not accept anything but the best for our riders. Our products are covered by SILCASheild, meaning they are guaranteed to last 25 years or we'll send you another. At Silca, we want to make sure that we would never have a bicycle accessory that we wouldn't be excited to use ourselves on the road! 全国送料無料!海外在庫商品の為、お届けまでに通常10−20日程お時間を頂いております。税関にて開封される場合がございますが、ご了承ください。海外から輸送中に外箱等に、若干のイタミなどが生じる場合もございますが、商品に問題はございません。どうかご了承ください。
Years ago while Josh was working with the Team CSC at the Dauphine Libere, he noticed one of their mechanics using the most amazing little chuck to manage the disc wheel inflation. Unlike anything he had seen before, it was all metal and used a 'lollipop' lever on the side to lock onto the valve stems in disc wheels. The mechanic explained that these were made in Japan and were coveted by all the Euro-Pro mechanics due to their scarcity. So Josh set out to improve the design and make it available to cyclists everywhere. Silca is committed to building excellent products for elite bikers and serious cyclists who will only accept the pinnacle of quality in their bike parts. We take premium quality bike parts seriously and will not accept anything but the best for our riders. Our products are covered by SILCASheild, meaning they are guaranteed to last 25 years or we'll send you another. At Silca, we want to make sure that we would never have a bicycle accessory that we wouldn't be excited to use ourselves on the road!