Title: Somato Emotional Release: Body, Emotion, Liberation, and Beyond
Author: John E. Upledger, D.O., F.A.A.O., D.Sc. Osteopathy D.O.
Somato Emotional Release (SER) is a specialized therapeutic approach focusing on the correlation between physical symptoms and emotional traumas or stress. SER provides sustained therapeutic effects by simultaneously releasing physical tension and emotional blocks. This approach is non-invasive, safe, and customizable on an individual basis.
著者 ジョン・EアプレジャーDO FAAO Dsc
日本語版 英語版の二冊
Title: Somato Emotional Release: Body, Emotion, Liberation, and Beyond
Author: John E. Upledger, D.O., F.A.A.O., D.Sc.
Osteopathy D.O.
Somato Emotional Release (SER) is a specialized therapeutic approach focusing on the correlation between physical symptoms and emotional traumas or stress. SER provides sustained therapeutic effects by simultaneously releasing physical tension and emotional blocks. This approach is non-invasive, safe, and customizable on an individual basis.