・Translucent Flashbacks 初期のシングル集。 1. Walkin' With Jesus 2. Rollercoaster 3. Feel So Good 4. Transparent Radiation 5. Ecstasy Symphony 6. Transparent Radiation (Flashback) 7. Starship 8. Take Me To The Other Side 9. Soul 1 10. That's Just Fine
・Dreamweapon レアなライヴ音源 1. An Evening Of Contemporary Sitar Music 2. Ecstasy In Slow Motion 3. Spacemen Jam
・Translucent Flashbacks
1. Walkin' With Jesus
2. Rollercoaster
3. Feel So Good
4. Transparent Radiation
5. Ecstasy Symphony
6. Transparent Radiation (Flashback)
7. Starship
8. Take Me To The Other Side
9. Soul 1
10. That's Just Fine
1. An Evening Of Contemporary Sitar Music
2. Ecstasy In Slow Motion
3. Spacemen Jam